From Mr. Mayer’s robocall on 6/11:

Hello Claremont Families!

This is Mr. Mayer with one last hello and goodbye! It is with a bittersweet feeling that I say to you thank you for the opportunity to serve you these past 7 years. While I am staying in the area and will continue to be around, my time as the Principal of Claremont is coming to an end.

The exciting news is that we have found an excellent leader, Mr. Tremaine Moore, to lead Claremont.  Mr. Moore formerly served as an English teacher and grade level dean at Claremont for five years and most recently was at Edna Brewer the past two years as a Vice Principal.  More information and a meet and greet with Mr. Moore is scheduled for Thursday, June 17th from 6-7pm.  Be sure to read the letter from the Network Superintendent on parent square.

I want to thank all of you in the Claremont community for your support, hard work, commitment to your children and our community.  My years at Claremont will always stand out as a fundamental part of my life experience, who I am, and the work I will be most proud of having been a part of.

I wish you all the best and please get outside, enjoy some fresh air, get yourselves and your children vaccinated if you have not already done so, and remember that being CMS – compassionate, mindful and safe – is a way of life!

All my best to each and every one of you,

Mr. Mayer