The annual Lower Rockridge Parents Group Community Yard Sale – a fundraiser for Claremont Middle School and Peralta Elementary School – will take place on Saturday, April 30, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the playground at Peralta Elementary (460 63rd St., entrance on Alcatraz between Telegraph and Dana).
The yard sale will include books, kid clothes, art, household items, toys galore, bikes, trikes, strollers, baby stuff, big kid stuff, and baked goods, all at great prices. Bring your friends and neighbors and enjoy the bargains!
CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS: Helping hands are still needed for the LRPG sale, including people on Friday evening before the sale and Saturday the day of to help transport, set up, cashier and of course clean up. If you can spend an hour or two supporting this fun community event, click this link to sign up for a volunteer slot »