Due to families graduating out or terms coming to an end, there are many key positions open for the 2020-2021 Executive Board. We are looking for…
• President – runs meetings, prepares agendas, works closely with the principal to support the school.
• Vice President – attends board a general meetings, runs meetings when President absent.
• Treasurer – oversees the management of PTA finances and acts as fiscal sponsor for Ride for A Reason.
• VP of Fundraising – leads the Claremont fund campaign, assists the auction leads, and recruits leaders for the pancake breakfast.
• VP of Events -helps find leads for events at CMS like Rockridge Out & About, Pi / STEAM Night and more. This role can be shared by two people and attending the events is not necessary.
All positions provide great opportunities to get to know other parents at Claremont. Please contact Amy Golden, Miho Kubota, Eleanor Katari or Kira Don to learn more!