Claremont has put together this handout to support students and families during this school closure. We cannot ensure that all students will have equal access to the internet or technology, nor are we able to provide any students with a chromebook. We do expect students to stay busy, learning during these next three weeks. Those students who do have access to internet and technology are expected to complete the on-line work as assigned. Those without computer/internet access can spend additional time reading, exercising, reading the science books that have gone home, etc.
We have also asked teachers to prepare activities for students in the face of this prolonged absence. This will not take the place of regular classroom instruction but will supplement student learning at home. These activities are meant to provide meaningful opportunities for student learning while they are absent from school.
- 6TH GRADE distance learning packet
- 7TH GRADE distance learning packet
Links for 7th grade class work will be added on Monday. - 8TH GRADE distance learning packet
Please bookmark the above link for easy access during this closure. You can also access via the CLAREMONT LEARNING CENTER link under RESOURCES on our homepage.
Please email Mr. Mayer with any questions:
And for the most up-to-date info from the school, please make sure you are receiving emails from the following CMS parents:
- 6th grade: (Ingrid McKenney)
- 7th grade: (Chris Lu)
- 8th grade: (Bernadette Kirchstetter)