Hello Claremont Families!!
We made it to spring break! We want to first thank you all for your flexibility and compassion as we have attempted to ensure that learning and growing at Claremont continued during the school closure. We are repeatedly appreciative of the amazing Claremont community!
As you have probably heard, there has been an extension to our distance learning. Once we return from spring break, we will have at least four weeks of continued distance learning, from our first day back on April 6th through Friday May 1st.
We want to be clear about what will stay the same and what will be modified.
- Grab and Go food will continue to be available at 12 school sites, even though it is spring break. It will be available Monday and Thursday from 8-12. The closest site to Claremont is Sankofa. You are welcome to go to any school site that is closest to your home.
- If you do not have an electronic device to complete assignments via the internet, please contact Mrs. Anderson directly at Edana.Anderson@ousd.org We want to make sure everyone has a way to learn remotely – so please, please, please – reach out if you have a need.
- The CMS home learning options document, found on the Claremont website (both on the main page and in the learning center) will still be the best way to get updates about our program moving forward. In it, there are links to grade level letters which should also be looked at regularly for updates. For instance, all grade level letters were updated on Thursday 3/26.
- Once we return from spring break, there will still be regular tasks and activities available for students to complete. Nearly all teachers are using google classroom to communicate daily activities. If you are unable to locate assignments for a particular class, please contact your teacher or grade level dean.
- Regardless whether school is in session or not, we strongly encourage you and your family to go out walking, exercising, reading, playing interactive board games, cooking and teaching your kids how to cook special family recipes, looking at pictures together, while being mindful of social distancing with others.
- Also, remember, above all, the goal with this social distancing is to flatten the curve. This is a stressful enough time already, so any work provided by us, is intended to be supportive and not a source of tension amongst family.
When we return from break there will be a few modifications to distance learning.
- We have really tried to cultivate community by having staff communicate with families directly. Now that we know distance learning will be the norm, we may lessen some of the active individual reach out by each teacher, to allow them to do more zoom calls and interactive activities with larger groups. However, we still encourage students and families to reach out if needed!
- The type of teaching that is required has very different demands to what our highly skilled teachers are accustomed to doing. A schedule will be posted on the CMS home learning options document. We thank you in advance for your flexibility!
- Many teachers will be holding weekly virtual office hours. Depending on the teacher this could look like a drop in time for questions, an opportunity to build community or a time for some direct instruction. The schedule will be posted on the CMS home learning options document.
A few notes:
- Spring break starts today, Friday 3/27 – Cesar Chavez Day. We’ll begin to respond again once we return from spring break, on April 6th. For some, families are together in the same space for days on end, while others may feel isolated. Some may know or be personally impacted by the virus, whereas others may simply have increased worry or anxiety. Some may not have a way to get the resources they need, other families may be experiencing food or job insecurity.
- This is a trying time for all of us because everyone is impacted by this change in so many different ways. Please know that we are doing our best to meet the needs of everyone, including our staff and appreciate all the patience and feedback we have been receiving. Our community and our diversity are our strength and we cannot wait until we can all be together again.
I wish you peace and good health during this spring break!
Mr. Mayer