The Claremont Middle School PTA voted on Oct. 6 to endorse Measure G1, a parcel tax on the Nov. 8 ballot that would benefit Oakland public schools.
The $120-a-year parcel tax is estimated to generate about $12.4 million annually for the school district.
The PTA urges you to vote for Measure G1 because 35 percent of the tax proceeds are earmarked specifically for public middle schools like Claremont. The funds could help us add more electives, such as a foreign language or arts courses.
The other 65 percent of the proceeds will be used to increase Oakland teacher salaries, which are the lowest, on average, in Alameda County. Higher salaries will enable the district to recruit and retain teachers.
(Note: The state PTA rules strongly encourages local PTAs like ours to take positions on ballot measures, although we are prohibited from endorsing or opposing political candidates.)