When Claremont parent Sarah Earl-Novell was asked to share the reasons that she and her husband John support the Claremont Fund, she wrote glowingly about the computer animation program, library, outdoor education program, and more. In her own words, Sarah explains how Claremont is providing an excellent education for her daughter, Sophie:

sarah-and-sophie“We could not be happier with the experience our daughter Sophie is enjoying at Claremont, but we also realize that one of the reasons Claremont is able to deliver that experience is because of the financial support provided by the PTA’s Claremont Fund.

Sophie is now starting her second year enrolled in Claremont’s outstanding computer animation program. Her love of reading has been taken to a whole new level through the incredible (PTA-funded) librarian, Ms. Riemer, whose individually curated book recommendations have sparked in Sophie a renewed appreciation of literature.

A highlight for her last year was the PTA-funded camping trip to Mount Diablo (which was open to every single student, independent of their financial circumstances), and she’s excited about the upcoming seventh-grade trip to the Presidio. Perhaps most importantly, Sophie has loved every one of her teachers, who have inspired, challenged and encouraged her, and I know receive significant support made possible by the PTA.

In an ideal world all public schools, including Claremont, would receive sufficient funds to provide every student with an excellent education. But, the reality is that we don’t live in that world, and so we give as much as we can to support our fantastic school!”

Sarah Earl-Novell, 7th grade parent

Make your tax-deductible contribution online by simply clicking here and selecting your level of giving. Or, make a check payable to the Claremont PTA and drop it off in the PTA box in the office with a note specifying that it’s for the Claremont Fund. You can also mail your check to the Claremont PTA, 5750 College Ave., Oakland, CA 94618.

Whatever amount you choose to give, whether it’s a monthly donation of $20 or a one-time donation of $500, every gift matters.

If you have questions about the Claremont Fund or need assistance, please contact one of our Co-VPs of Fundraising, John Ifcher at johnifcher@gmail.com, or Tara McCulloch at tara.mcculloch@gmail.com.