Now is the time to contribute to our CMS Holiday Gift Fund! All contributions – big or small – are welcome. We will use the gift fund contributions to purchase Trader Joe’s gift cards for everyone who works at Claremont: teachers, custodians, administrative staff and others who contribute to the education and well-being of our children every day of the school year. The gift cards will be presented on behalf of all Claremont families before Winter break. Please contribute by Wednesday, Dec. 14.
HOW TO CONTRIBUTE: CMS Parent Kim Nies is coordinating the contributions and TJs purchases (Thank you Kim!). Here’s how to participate:
- PayPal: Send money to from the app or use this link: If you use PayPal, please also send an email to to let Kim know you have contributed.
- CMS Campus Morning Drop-Off: On Mon Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (Dec. 12-14), look for a parent with a “CMS Holiday Gift Fund!” sign on the Claremont campus and contribute your cash or check.
- Contact Kim: If neither of these options work, send an email to or call Kim at 415-640-6137 and we can arrange something.
Please note that this is not a PTA-sponsored initiative, so your contribution will not be tax-deductible, but will be very much appreciated.