2018 Claremont Middle School Play-a-Thon: May 30 at the Rockridge BART Plaza
Mr. Brown and our Claremont student musicians will take over [READ MORE]
Mr. Brown and our Claremont student musicians will take over [READ MORE]
It’s a staggering statistic – More than one-fourth of Oakland [READ MORE]
"I like books, I like every book," said Xavier [READ MORE]
The PTA is excited about the impact donations have had [READ MORE]
YES on Measure D: You can help keep libraries open! [READ MORE]
The nominating committee is putting forward this slate of candidates [READ MORE]
8th Grade Events! Mark them on your calendar The following [READ MORE]
Thank you for your support this year. Please tell us [READ MORE]
All parents & guardians- Have your opinions and voice heard [READ MORE]
Ralph Cantor, a long time drug and alcohol educator in [READ MORE]
A letter has gone home to 6th and 8th grade [READ MORE]
To the average set of human ears, a bunch of [READ MORE]
Science Festival 2017 Hosted by the College of Science at [READ MORE]
Do you need to get your child to the dentist, [READ MORE]
This week in the library we are celebrating our freedom [READ MORE]
If you remember your middle school library as a hushed, [READ MORE]
Student Planners 2017-18 All students should have received a student [READ MORE]
School Tours Each fall, Claremont hosts tours for 5th graders and their [READ MORE]
Find out more about programs supported by the PTA The [READ MORE]
On Saturday October 28, we will have Claremont’s 11th annual [READ MORE]
(Mr. Gary Watson, Claremont vice principal. Aug. 12, 2017) [READ MORE]
Thanks to all those who came out to make Claremont [READ MORE]
We are excited to begin the school year on Aug. [READ MORE]
We would like to thank Tonia Coleman, our stellar assistant [READ MORE]
Claremont students should plan to come to school prepared. And [READ MORE]
UPDATE: Please download the forms below, fill them out and bring [READ MORE]