African American Male Achievement (AAMA)
In 2010, the OUSD Office of African American Male Achievement (AAMA) initiated the Manhood Development Program (MDP), a unique academic mentoring model designed and implemented by African American males for African American males. The program includes a course entitled “Mastering Our Cultural Identity,” which is offered as an elective choice for 7th and 8th grade students at Claremont Middle School.
Art & Digital Media Arts
For 7th and 8th graders, elective options include three periods of art class, as well as a digital media class that combines art and computer software tools for digital illustration, photo editing and 3D animation.
Singers will have the opportunity to learn the proper way to prepare choral music from all over the world. We will explore musicianship, song-writing, as well as cultural and music history. No previous experience necessary.
Computer Science & Technology
All 6th grade students are enrolled in a half-year of computer class. In addition, Mr. Leal teaches a 7th and 8th grade computer science classes and supports technology throughout the school
Physical Education
8th grade students can participate in an elective class devoted to producing a school newsletter and our school yearbook.