The Claremont Middle School Library is a welcoming, collaborative space which provides materials, both print and digital, that support and enrich the curriculum, and meet the educational, emotional and recreational needs of our students. The school library is central to promotion of intellectual freedom, serving as a point of access to information and ideas. Our library provides access to resources that promote free inquiry and support critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Our school library also has great resources that can be reached even if you aren’t at school. By visiting the Claremont Library Home Page from any computer, you can access our library book catalog and find links to other web-based resources.
Library Hours
The library is open from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday. Students can come in on their own at lunchtime, and teachers can sign up to bring their students in during advisory period for book talks and free reading check outs.
2023-2024 Year in Review
- Total Book Checkouts: 8,192!
- Total Checkouts on SORA (ebooks): 8,921
- New books this year: 847
- Total books in the library: 7,002
- 6 scheduled class visits per week – every student visited the library with their English classes at least once every 3 week.
- 4 parent/community volunteers who did book checkout and helped keep the library running smoothly every day!