As you may have heard already, all OUSD Schools will be closed at the end of today. Our after-school program will run today until 6pm. There will be no school beginning Monday, 3/16 through Spring Break. Students will be expected back to school on 4/6/2020.
While your child is out of school, please follow all of the CDC. directives. Stay out of big crowds, wash your hands, and do all preventative tasks to reduce the risks of transmitting or getting the virus. We will be sending home a 2 page letter outlining ways to support your child to continue their learning during this hiatus. Please encourage your student to turn their phones off during school hours from 8:30am – 3:15pm unless that is their point of access for the internet. Student should check Google classroom for assignments, as well DESMOS, Newsela, No Red Ink, etc. Also consider having your child do tasks at home like cooking, cleaning, financial literacy, and other chores. If they are in Band or art, practice their instruments or draw, in computer science practice some coding or work on building your website, get outside for 30 minutes to be physically active, and read for 30 minutes every day.
Finally, be sure to go to the Claremont website this evening to get more details on resources that are available like access to food during this time off from school like Sankofa, West Oakland Middle, and Hoover Elementary. Again, we are hoping that your student will remain at school for the remainder of the school day so that we can give them resources for continuing remote learning during this time.
We appreciate your support!