(From ROBO call earlier today):
Hello Claremont Families,
Hoping that you and your family are healthy and doing okay during these challenging times.
Since my last communication we have learned that OUSD schools will remain closed through the rest of the academic year for in person instruction. I am sure that most of you, like all of us on staff, are still trying to wrap your heads around this new reality and what it might mean for all of us in the Claremont community.
As principal, my number one concern remains the physical and mental well being of all the people in our community – students, staff, and families. We are all experiencing some degree of trauma and grief. Although this is a challenging time for pretty much everyone in the world, it is also an opportunity to come together in community in ways we can just begin to imagine.
There may be some new guidance later this week, from the district and the state, which we will give a more full update then. Hope this finds you with a restful spring break and that you are ready to dive into distance learning this week! With all that said, here are our key, yet lengthy, updates:
- If you still need a computer please contact Mrs. Anderson, at Edana.Anderson@ousd.org. Also on the CMS home page you can find out about free wi-fi internet and hot spots for your family at this time. Other Key Points:
- Again, food is available to all OUSD students at 12 sites currently, the closest being at SanKofa. It’s available Monday and Thursday from 8 – 12. It includes breakfast, lunch and dinner for all kids under 18. Social distancing guidelines will continue to be enforced.
- We are encouraging students to “Get ready for the day”, changing clothes so they are not in night clothes or pajamas, and feel prepared for the learning time.
- Additionally, your student should choose a work space where you should be sitting upright, at a table, with a laptop or pencil and paper and doing the work in a quiet space, away from their phone – which should be away from them while working.
- Remember students should log in to google classroom to see what assignments are due on any given day. Parents, I am also encouraging you to sit down with your child for at least 5 minutes at some point during the day and look at the homepage – found here and look at the zoom schedule to find out about both assignments and teacher office hours.
- The expectation is for students to be doing the assigned work during the day, or when it may work for your family. Students can also exercise and help with chores. If there are any issues with completing work, please contact the grade level dean.
This is a situation that continues to be in flux and we are doing everything we can to keep you updated and align our communication and resources. Feel free to reach out to the grade level deans or other admin to clarify any questions you may have. We understand that with how fast things are changing, we may say something now or in the future that is in direct contrast to guidance we have said in the past. We thank you for your patience as we all navigate this new terrain.