Hello Claremont families and welcome to Claremont Middle School!!
We are so excited to begin our year with you!
To start, we invite all families to join their students Monday, August 10th at our kick off assembly for each grade level:
- 6th Grade at 9:30 am
- 7th Grade at 10:30 am
- 8th Grade at 11:30 am
Zoom link and login information
Parents can find the login information in an email from your room parent or students can follow the below instructions to find the information in their school email. Please prepare for students’ to have their first and last names displayed so we can properly record attendance.
Student emails
By the end of the day on Monday, Advisory teachers will be sending zoom links to their advisees’ student emails for Tuesday’s advisory class at 9:30 am. (Ms. Quinn, Mr. Bustamante and Mr. Booker’s classes will be sending out links for a meeting later on Monday!) Please practice logging onto the email by doing the following.
- Log into gmail.com
- Enter student email address, which should follow the pattern s_firstname.lastname@ousd.org
- Enter 00 + six digit student ID as your password
- If you do not have this information, please email lacy.lefkowitz@ousd.org as soon as possible!
Trouble with Aeries:
We have heard from several families that there seems to be a log in issue with Aeries or student.ousd.org. If this is you, feel free to email Lacy.Lefkowitz@ousd.org or Candy.Pareja@ousd.org and we can provide you with a pdf copy of your schedule. Alternatively, the parent portal at parent.ousd.org will have the same information. Again, reach out to Ms. Lefkowitz or Ms. Pareja if you have yet to log into the parent portal and need the verification code.
Documents to peruse
Below are links to the FAQ, which is a compilation of the questions asked during our gardenside chats and orientation, and our distance learning protocols. Much but not all of this information will be covered over the course of this week.