On Saturday October 28, we will have Claremont’s 11th annual fundraising auction at St. Peter’s Parish.

Festivities starts at 6 p.m. …The theme this year is The Dead Celebs Ball.


We need your help!

The success of our annual auction depends largely on the work of an amazing group of parent and family volunteers. We are currently looking for volunteers to do some advance work prior to the October event. Please click this link to sign up.

Seeking party hosts 

Parties and events hosted by members of the Claremont community are an important part of the annual Claremont Auction. These events turn fun social activities into a significant fundraising opportunity for our PTA. Go here for more including the downloadable form.

We need your wine!

We are now collecting donations for the auction wine cellar. Parent Mari Morrish lives three blocks from Claremont and people can drop off donations on her porch: 5817 Lawton Avenue. Tickets for the wine cellar will be sold at the morning coffee at Claremont on Sept. 29 as well as at the auction on Oct. 28.  To contact Mari, email her at maricelaayon@yahoo.com.

Donations Accepted

Donations of items, services, and gift certificates are all welcome and greatly appreciated. If you can support us with a donation, please complete this form.

Thank You Sponsors!

Thank you to our return Auction Sponsors: Anne Brandon of Alain Pinel Realtors, Albert Nahmam Plumbing, Ruth Goldstone (mom of CMS 7th grader Gus!) of Marvin Gardens Real Estate and Honda of Oakland. We are so grateful for your continued support!

Interested in becoming an CMS Auction Sponsor? Please contact Sarah Drekmeier (sdrekmeier@yahoo.com) for more information on this tax-deductible contribution!

Questions about the Auction?

Send an email to auction co-chairs Michelle Bilensky and Aidan Wylde at auction@claremontms.org.