Thank you to the parents who have stepped up to volunteer to help lead the Claremont PTA. Here is the slate of proposed parent volunteers for the PTA Executive Board for the 2022-2023 school year. The general PTA will vote on these at the next PTA association meeting on May 5.
President – Vacant
Vice President – Justin Horner
VP of Events – Maria Islas
VP of Fundraising – Ryann Cheung and Sharon Flor
Secretary – Grace Kim and Julie Liu
Tresurer – Danny Kramer
Financial Secretary – Michelle Wong
Historian – Amy Golden
Parliamentarian – Jennifer Daskal (appointed by President)
There is still one key position available. Please volunteer to support Claremont!
PTA President: In this role, you will chair and facilitate PTA Board and General Meetings. You are the liaison between the PTA and school administration. You have the opportunity to provide direct support to CMS.
Other roles: Website updating and T-Shirts
Please reach out to for more information.