In this time it’s important to remember we are a community, and we’re looking out for each other.
If your student is feeling ill with new symptoms such as: a fever of over 100F (37.8C) or higher, cough, severe headache, sore throat, loss of taste or smell (children may say that food “tastes bad” or “tastes funny”), difficulty breathing, vomiting or diarrhea – student should STAY HOME and notify the office. You can email or You can also call the school at 510-654-7337.
If your student’s symptoms are related to allergies or known conditions, please provide something in writing from their pediatrician to the office.
Returning to school:
Get medically cleared (doctor’s note or negative PCR test, AND symptoms have improved and student is fever-free for 24 hours – OR – 10 days have passed since onset of symptoms and student is no longer feeling ill
If your student tests positive for Covid-19
• Plan on staying home at least 10 days
• Notify the school of the results
• Work with the Contact Tracing Team
If a student has a prolonged exposure to a Covid positive person
• Individuals who are fully vaccinated (+2 weeks after their last dose) do not need to quarantine as long as they are symptom free.
• A masked, unvaccinated student who was exposed, may continue to come to school with 2x weekly. testing for 2 weeks AND quarantine from all activities outside of the school day. Alternatively. families may choose to keep their child home for a full 10 day quarantine.
The school will notify any students/families if there has been campus exposure and quarantine guidelines apply to them.
If you are interested in testing, you can sign up for it using this link: Please register with Primary before getting tested if this is your first time being tested using rapid antigen or PCR tests using OUSD’s Primary system. You can register here: